Follow along as we try out the great restaurants in our neighborhoods.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Let's Eat

Hmm...where to start. Well, Chiclarego and I decided that we spent entirely too much time not just eating out, but eating out at the same places. So the idea was born to try new restaurants and document our experiences here on our blog. There are some simple rules and here they are:
  • The adventure will last at least until the end of January
  • We will eat out for dinner only once a week.
  • We have to visit two new restaurants before repeating one.
That's all well and good, but who are you that we should listen to your reviews you ask? Well, I am a dashing pirate that races on the open seas. I'm also a competetive plunderer and pillager, a sport otherwise known as plungering. I make my living attacking Spanish galleons and the occasional CTA bus, and it was on one of these attacks that I came upon Chiclarego. She was a princess traveling among her families holdings in the Caribbean and the outskirts of Lakeview when I came upon her. After fending off the attacking hordes I knew I had found a woman with fists of iron and a heart of gold. Since then, we've become a hard hitting, crime fighting duo, solving mysteries and reviewing restaurants inbetween L stops.

Now with introductions out of the way on to the food.

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